Free Saturday Football

We are excited to launch a new programme to promote and encourage additional opportunities for children to participate in regular football activity. If your son / daughter is already subscribed to our Play Football sessions at Broomhill Primary or Glasgow Gaelic School then we are offering them free football on a Saturday morning at Knightswood Secondary School from 9:10am - 10am.

As well as giving children additional opportunities to play in a fun, safe and exciting environment, we are also using this as a pathway to our Team Football programmes, which we will be developing over the coming months.

To secure a place for your young person it would be greatly appreciated if you could complete the form below so we can add details to our register. Once signed up they can get started straight away.

Free Saturday Football will run from Saturday 28th October - Saturday 27th January (11 weeks). There will be no football on 23rd, 30th December & 6th January.

#ParkSportsProject #PlaySocialisePerform


Winter Holiday


October Holiday