Free Saturday Football

We are delighted to announce that after a successful block of Free Saturday Football at Knightswood Secondary, we are going to extend this programme until the summer holidays. It has been wonderful to have so many children take advantage of these sessions over the last few months.

If your son / daughter has already registered to take part in our Free Saturday Football activity you do not need to do anything apart from keep turning up!

If your son / daughter is subscribed to our midweek Play Football sessions at Broomhill Primary or Glasgow Gaelic School and has not signed up to our Free Saturday Football from 9:10am - 10am at Knightswood Secondary, then please just complete the form below and join the fun.

To book a place for your young person it would be greatly appreciated if you could complete the form below so we can add details to our register. Once signed up they can get started straight away.

#ParkSportsProject #PlaySocialisePerform


2016 Team Football


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