2016 Team Football

We are excited to announce that we are launching a new 2016 Team Football programme in Spring 2024. Over the last couple of months we have identified that there is a growing interest from many of our 2016’s to play and learn more about the game. We are keen to provide more opportunities that will continue to excite and enthuse our young players in their footballing journey.

As part of our PSP Player Pathway those attending our Team Football programme will attend x2 Team Football sessions per week and then be given opportunities to play in fixtures against other clubs. Team Football sessions are focused on developing children’s fundamentals of the game including, ball mastery, 1v1’s, 2v1’s, group play and many more aspects of the game.

These new sessions will take place on a Tuesday and Thursday evening at Knightswood Secondary School. Times have to be confirmed but we are most likely looking at delivering sessions between 5:30pm - 6:30pm on both days.

Children subscribed to our 2016 Team Football programme will also be given opportunities to play against other clubs in Glasgow and District Youth Football games that take place on Sunday mornings across venues in Glasgow. We currently have two teams playing in these fixtures but we are keen to grow the number of children that are playing in these fixtures over the coming months.

To register your young person for these Team Football sessions it would be greatly appreciated if you can complete the form below. Once completed you will be contacted with additional information about the programme including costs and commitments ahead of signing up.

To facilitate training and games we are seeking between 2-4 additional volunteers to help support and assist in the delivery. We already have 3 volunteers in place who are pivotal in us being able to facilitate match day opportunities at the weekend. On the form below please indicate if you are in a position / interested in volunteering.

If you have any questions about our 2016 Team Football programme please don’t hesitate to get in touch and one of the team will be happy to answer any questions.


Park Sports Project FIT


Free Saturday Football